Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Bring it on, Mother Nature!
And, while I certainly don't have scads of money to spend this year, I love Christmas. Okay, I love the spirit of Christmas, Yule, Winter Solstice, of family and giving. And, yes, of receiving. Giving is great, it is, won't argue there. But I'm still kid enough to know that I like getting presents too. And pumpkin pie and stuffing.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A Strange Brew We Writers Are.
What if...someone wanted to escape an abusive marriage and the perfect opportunity in the form of a natural disaster, or terrorist attack, or the like occured and provided them with an oppurtunity to do just that...or, same scenerio, but what if abusive husband is believed to have been killed in said disaster, but he really wasn't, and the wife lives in the continual shadow of 'is he really dead'? See what I mean?
We're a fun lot, but we are kinda, well, not always wired the same way as people that don't write, or scuplt or paint. Somedays that's a good thing, other days, well other days it just leaves our friends wondering if perhaps they should maybe call the nice men in white with the fancy coat with long sleeves to come take us away, somewhere we'll, and they'll, be safe.
But really, we're not THAT bad. Well, at least most of us. And truthfully we can get story ideas from the damnedest of sources. I had a 'what if' moment happen this morning while I was listening to the radio and a Christmas song came on that I'd never heard before. I listened to the words and one thought led to another and the next thing I know, I already have the first scene plotted out in my head. Or at least a good portion of it. It'll be years before I ever get to it. If ever, since I think it'll be a short anthology length. Heck, even writing this I've taken another step toward plotting out the sucker. So, this is me signing off and opening a file in my Word program entitled WHAT IF, and that's where these fragments of stories are going to find a temporary home. Until they get a folder of their own.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Another Shift in the Universe
I really have no idea if this in fact will work or not, however, it is key to my current wip, so here's hoing.
While I've been somewhat neglegent about adding my two cents worth here for all and sundry to read, I have been working on a better me. And, well since I'm human, that does mean some off days too. I'm currently reading YOU on a Diet by Drs Oz and Roizen and it's very interesting, I highly recommend reading it, even if you think you have a handle on healthy eating. You'd be surprised.p
Now, granted it's going to take some time to make the shift to encorporate this kind of lifestyle change, I definitely want to. There's a long list of unhealthiness in my family and I'd really rather not drop dead of a heart attack anytime in the next forty or fifty years. Or anything else either, to be honest. While I have my own devote belief of what the 'afterlife' entails, there's still a whole bunch of things I'd like to do in this lifetime before the next one comes along. My biggest problem is figuring out just what those things might be. I do know I want to further my education, it's just what direction do I want to go? Therein lie the crux of the problem. I wish it would be so easy as to have any one of my wonderfully intuitive friends to say, 'you should do this'. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon, so it'll be up to me to draw my own conclusions.
Even baby steps heading in the right direction will get you where you need to be in time.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
And so the countdown begins
November 1st marks the coming of the Celtic New Year. I've never had any luck at all keeping traditional resolutions that commence January 1st, so I'm going to give this a whirl. I'm ready for a change, Godess know I certainly need one.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Chaos creates stars
It was kind of like reading the Da Vinci Code, and bloodline of Christ notwithstanding, I do have to say I shared some of the same beliefs Robert Langdon did, and perhaps, dare I say it, even Dan Brown.
Dreams, as I've tagged my latest WIP is coming along swimmingly. The random thoughts and 'oh, this is good' jottings are starting to come together and form something that resembles, albiet still loosely, a storyline.
This morning when I looked in my daughters room and asked her 'what's going on in here?' smarty pants that she is, replied, 'A universe is forming' I really had to chuckle because it made me realise that's my process for this current WIP. Out of the chaos comes a star. I'm hoping that prophetic jewel reflects not only my daughters bedroom, but also my writing career.
Blessings, J
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Food for thought.
And while I didn't exactly work on my newest manuscript for an hour yesterday as I wanted, I did open it up and refreshed myself with it, then fleshed some more out. I'm still trying to figure out how to get these two dynamic characters together in a believable way. I certainly have enough conflict, both internal and external, and have a good degree of motivation as well. I managed to 'discover' a few more things that will put some meat in the stew. One of those things is the spirit of the hero's mother. That should be interesting to write. I'm currently working on a storyline, I've started out rough and will add chapter by chapter. Right not it resembles a grocery list.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Welcome to my world
There's a very dirty word that has entered into my life. No, no, it's not the dreaded 'F' bomb. Procrastination. There, I said it. Now the word alone isn't cause for concern, the action, or more to the point, non-action of its meaning is the problem. I am the first to admit that I suffer from the greatest of intentions. And then, in the thick of my ambitions something happens. I have a pretty good idea what it is. Or at least, I think I'm in the right ball park. Some of it comes from being disorganized. Some of it comes from wanting to be a people pleaser. Some of it comes from attention seeking, but in all honesty, I think a large part of mine, at least, comes from fear. Fear of success. Fear of failure. I think that's part of the reason I've also skimmed through life barely making average. That must change. Now I'm not talking about huge radical departures, vision quests or anything else that monumentally life changing. Just taking baby steps in the right direction. You can't learn unless you make mistakes, or at least the big important lessons, anyway, I don't think. I began the journey last night. Despite having a whooping headache, I went to the Y and joined the walking group and went out for about 5km. That impressed me. And it got rid of my headache. I also sat for half an hour or so and meditated. Also something else I dearly need to resume on a regular basis. Later today, and I mean this, not as a procrastination attempt, I will sit down and dedicate at least an hour to writing. And I don't just mean reading over something I wrote. I mean putting fresh thoughts to paper. Er, well, keyboard to screen.
Be blessed!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Another day that ends in Y.
I did rid myself of some excess baggage and feel wonderful for it. Baggage of the human kind, that is. I needed to close a door before another could open, as it were.
Mom, child and I had an out of town wedding to go to up near Renfrew, and then spent some tourist time in Kingston. Very nice town. We went on the haunted walk, but sadly didn't see anything. Not that I was expecting to. By no means did we see all there was to see in Kingston, but enough to know I'd like to go back someday.
I don't even have anything horribly poignant to say either at the moment. I'm in total vacation mode. I slept in until 11 and I have to say, I'm giving serious consideration to laying down for a nap.
I have been reading though, even if I've not been writing. I just finished Diana Gabaldon's Voyageur, Evelyn Vaugh's Something Wicked and am now reading the Da Vinci Code. Yes, believe it or not, there is one person on the face of the earth that's not read it. I have also been doing some studying of my tarot deck.
So, as you can see, my life is horribly exciting at the moment. Not. And I'm kinda liking it that way.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Today's the day!
You know if someone came to me and told me their fears, hopes, dreams, I'd tell them a completely different thing that I would in fact do for myself. And why? I think because I don't give myself even enough credence, or credibility, or egad, worthiness.
I popped into a local metaphysical store last week with a friend. The owner, an amiable chap with apparent 'insight', started talking to my friend, telling her things. I couldn't help but laugh. This wasn't the first time I was with a friend and someone started telling them things. This time I said something. Why is it everyone always gets a message and I don't?!! To which the owner replied, "Would you like to know why?" Gulp. Did I? Yes of course I did! Honest. "You have this wall of confidence up that sends the message Don't approach me, I'm not receptive."
Or something to that effect. Now of course, I laughed again and said, boy have I got you all fooled. I can sit back now and replay the conversation and past few years over in my mind and realize that I have errected that wall. And fairly well built it is, by all accounts. I guess I come of as being rather like my one cat, Sterling, aloof, distant, in control and untouchable, however, once I come close, very affectionate and loving. The key is getting close. Or rather, me allowing someone close enough.
So, this week I've made a concentrated effort to not only send out more peaceful, loving energy, but to also connect more with my self. I can't say that I've connected with my higherself, but I have tried through meditation. I do know that I've encounted a few ethereal beings. A guide and an angel. Very neat. I didn't get to meditating yesterday, which isn't good, but sometimes it happens. I did spend a few hours discussing matters of the spiritual world with a friend. I replayed the scene over to him, whom I've just met in the last year or so, and he confirmed the illusion I have projected. So now I'm working on tearing down that wall and putting curtains up instead. I believe that will be more effective and serve me far better in both my life and my spiritual development.
Until next time, Blessings!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Void of course.
When I read through my first Witches' Daybook, I noticed several things. The one that stands out in my mind most is the key symbols for the moon when it enters the 'void of course' stage. It doesn't tend to last very long, a few hours, though the first time I read the phrase, I added a comma. It changed the whole meaning. It became void, of course. Like I was a dummy and should have known better.
Which brings me along side my point. It was totally my doing that had me thinking that negatively of myself. Years and years of conditioning brought me to that point. Not just external conditioning, such as my father telling me to 'not get too big on yourself' when I did well on a test or something (ya, I know, like THAT makes sense) to believing it on an internal level. I think years and years of hearing negative things finally chips away at the armour of self-confidence our spiritual soul already has when we're born with. One chink in the armour is all it takes to let that negativity in and 'poof', it takes twice as long, or longer to shore up that dent and make it strong again. But it's not just getting in shape, being successful, landing the dream job or man or house, or whatever. I know people that don't have those things that are, or at least seem, to be totally content, totally secure and have none of the issues some of us deal with on a daily level. They're either great actors or have absolute confidence. The call is not mine to make.
So, what's the difference between them and us? I think one thing is that they have a course. It may be unknown to them on a conscious level, but I think it still exists. And while I know we all have courses, the difference is, they stick to theirs, while we, the unsure, waver, think that we somehow do not deserve to have that dream house, have that wonderful spouse, be a perfect size 3 or 5 or 7 or 12, whatever. I mean, wow, what would happen if we actually got what we truly wanted? No doubt someone, that evil one-eyed-stinking ogre would slink out from the depths of our dispair and tell us that we don't deserve it. That's why I think we sabatoge ourselves. We eat that caramel pecan treat from Dairy Queen, or gorge ourselves on a whole pizza while no one's looking. ('kKay so I'm guilty on the DQ treat, I did not eat the whole pizza)
I think that as unhappy as we are with ourselves, it's the 'ourselves' we know. It's the proverbial 'devil you know, over the devil you don't' scenerio.
The key, I think, is not only putting out the positive energy into the Universe, ie"I am worthy, MONEY (insert whatever applies here) is attracted to me" yada yada, but it's also having to hardwire those same mantras into our subconscious. I highly doubt this is new. I think I am just at the stage of my evolution that I was ready to figure it out.
Now, for me, this applies to three areas. Health/weight/fitness, writing/becoming a successful author, and getting control of my financial life. I have to learn to give myself permission to be successful at all of the above. I am worthy of being a thin person, I am worthy of being a multipublished author, I am worthy of not having to work my considerable ass off just to come out even. I also know, it won't be an overnight success, but it will be so totally worth it in the end. Now's the time for change. I am truly tired of being void of course.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Reality bites.
So when the eleventh hour of the fate of Invasion came, and ABC opted out of a second year, hearts broke all over the world. To say I'm sick about it would be putting it mildly. I loved this show. I made sure I watched it, when I could find it, that is. If I couldn't watch it, I recorded it. I tuned in initially for Russell but by the closing credits of the second last episode I found myself falling for Sheriff Tom Underlay. As a writer I could see the character potential in him so clearly. That if nothing else has been a boost in the backside to get writing again. I'll definitely be buying the DVD when it comes out. And I added my name to the petition to save this show. Let's just hope they can give it another year, or at tie up movie, or something. Please, PTB, please throw us a bone. Or a sheriff, or something.