Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bring it on, Mother Nature!

Okay, so I'm the first to admit that I'm just a little offside. Not a lot. Nothing requiring medication, or incarceration. I just like snow. I do, really. Rain, in summer, or spring is fine. Even the first part of fall is okay. But once the temperature is closer to zero than my my bank balance, I want snow. Not lots of it. And I certainly don't want people in danger because of it, but I like snow. It's clean. At least at first. It's tranquil, at least to me it is. I love looking outside at night, watching the landscape shift and sway, drifts and icicles form. Now I must admit, I am not so great a fan of shovelling the stuff, but since I really don't have to worry about that anymore, that's someone else's problem. I love walking the dogs in it, riding my horse in it, so long as it's not coating a slick layer of ice. Then it's dangerous. Beautiful still, but I prefer to have my beloved Lee with four functioning, intact legs.

And, while I certainly don't have scads of money to spend this year, I love Christmas. Okay, I love the spirit of Christmas, Yule, Winter Solstice, of family and giving. And, yes, of receiving. Giving is great, it is, won't argue there. But I'm still kid enough to know that I like getting presents too. And pumpkin pie and stuffing.

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