Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another Shift in the Universe

I had an Epipphany...
And no, it didn't hurt. While reading another blog, the content of which was revolving around resolutions and the like, I was reading about yet another person who felt challenged with regard to feelings of 'self-worth'. It utterly amazes me the number of people that have in the past or currently do have genuine issues with feeling worthy.

And then a thought began to sprout and take root. What if, we as spiritual beings having a human experience, somewhere, deep down in our subconscious are aware of the higher 'evolution' for a lack of better terms, of our spiritual soul, and we know on a subconscious or visceral level, that in this incarnation as humans we are, for the most part, perhaps not less than, but considerably different than ourselves as ethereal and spiritual beings and therefore we strive to compete with that instead of just being who we are and learning what we set out to learn?

It was just a thought. And perhaps not even a tangible one. Or maybe that's just the human in me being self-conscious again. Who knows?

What I do know is that this year, 2007, is going to be a changing year. I'm going to grow, in all areas other than my waist band. There are friends I've lost touch with, people whom I have yet to meet, things I have yet to discover, places I've yet to experience and knowledge I have yet to learn. And perhaps the biggest of this, becoming the person I've yet to be. Not to mention chocolate I've yet to eat. Which of course, is a direct contradition with the waistband thing, so I guess it's time to strap on the athletic shoes and get a wiggle on to counteract the effects of chocolate ingestion.

So, in keeping with an old expression, (no not, 'gentlemen start your engines'), I was thinking more along the lines of 'let the games begin!'


Anonymous said...

Lemmeneaux if you ever need a buddy to walk with. I need to move my arse more, what better time than a new year, right? Right!

- Nikki

Anne Crawford-Clarke said...

OMG! And I call myself a writer! I am so sorry. EPIPHANY. EPIPHANY!

(hangs head in shame)

I apologize for any furhter spelling errors.

Laurie M. Rauch said...

That's something I was talking about this year, too... rather than the vague goals of "get published," "lose weight," and "get organized," I'm going for creating long-lasting habits that will help me focus on acheiving those vague goals... I like using the new year as a sort of fresh start... tho, really, tomorrow is a new day with a whole new slate to play with. :)

Laurie M. Rauch said...

hee... and did you mean to misspell further in that last sentence? *wink*