Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Two days Running

Fancy that? Well, one day I'll actually sit down and fiddle around with this blog thing and set it up properly. Day 2 of sweating with sven count was 1125. I haven't started day three yet. I've been too busy running around trying to get my house tidy for a party this evening. I'm hoping to have a successful turn out.

Currently I've got about another half an hour of tidying to do and then that's it until the last few minutes before everyone arrives. Once I get the bulk of it done I will once again sit down with my manuscript, apply hands to keyboard and get in my daily 750 word minimum. No telling what today's count will be. I still have to get back to the hard and fast order of revising That Manuscript Which Title Has No Ending. It's gone month end. Period. If I have the full revised, the full's gone, if not, the partial will be in the mail with God's speed. Then it's back to focusing on Dreams fully and perhaps plotting out some more of Shifted. Something tells me that's going to be a fun one to write.

Until tomorrow, or tomorrow's tomorrow,


Portia Da Costa said...

Hi Jordanne!

It's WendyPortia from the Sweat70 challenge, just swinging by to see how you're doing? You sound as if you're meeting your goals!

Me, I have yet to start for the day... I've done okay so far, so I mustn't let myself down today.

Time for more coffee... then I'll begin!

Good luck with the challenge! :)

Wendi said...

Hi, Jordanne. I stopped in to see how you were doing with the Sven challenge. Great job!! Especially with everything else you've got going on. :D

Sheri WhiteFeather said...

Hi Jordanne,
Thank you for listing me as one of your fave authors! Good luck with your writing. Hugs,

AliceAnderson said...

How's the sweating, i mean writing, going?