Friday, January 05, 2007

Resolution time.

Another rainy, icky day in Southern Ontario. K, Mother Nature, it's January. I know that some people are totally thrilled with the fact that they can still get out and shoot their little balls around, but I'm sorta tired of mud. My horse's legs are caked in it, the dogs bring it in whenver they go outside. And, well, it's WINTER! It rather scares me to realize just how radically things have changed in the past few years. Even though I should be grateful for the savings to my hydro bill, I can't help but think that we'll pay a much higher price in the end.

Okay, onto a more cheery topic.

Resolutions. My number one resolution this year is to be happy. And to assist those around me to be happy. Because I think that if we're happy, all those other things like losing weight, working out, saving money will all fall into place naturally. I certainly do have some writing goals that I will accomplish.

1. Enter a contest a month.
2. Learn my craft.
3. Finish the d@mn books I've started. Or at least get back to them before December 31, 2007
4. Flog Limitless. I am going to get this sucker out there and get it sold to someone, or at the very least exhaust all options. At that point I'm going to save the one final copy and delete every other bloody file I have on this manuscript in all its incarnations. I'll free up so much space on my computer. LOL

And finally, I'm going to have fun.
I do have some horsey goals too, number one getting my mare bred. I pray she catches. And I pray it doesn't cost me an fortune to do it.

That's about it, but number one is being happy.

1 comment:

Melisse Aires said...

How is the writing coming? I hope it is going well.