Saturday, May 20, 2006

Long weekend? Not for this chicky!

The long weekend is one day down. But that also means one more workday till I get one off. It's midnight and I'm going to beg forgiveness if I'm the normal witty Jord doesn't shine through. I can report that I stayed pretty much on target as far as WW goes and while I didn't do anything to enrich my spiritual growth besides picking up a magazine at Superstore called Control Stress, I did pull out a copy of my suckopsis and read over it. I am going to, (notice I didn't say 'going to try'), do something writing related each and every day. Whether it be actually ABC (Apply Butt to Chair) and creating something fresh, or slogging over something old that needs reworking, or even just grabbing one of the many how-to books and reading a chapter or two. I am going to do something to further my career each and every day. Three seems to be the number of late. So, with three areas of my life to work on, health, writing and spirtual growth, that seems like a good thing to focus on. I'm not worrying very much right now about my horse, other than praying to the Goddess that she'll come into season to be bred and that I'll have the money at the time to cover the rest of the stud fee. But that's a topic for another day. Be blessed everyone! J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey chicky,

Cool blog, I'll drop in from time to time. Blessings, Sarak